Metatron Glass Ornament
Metatron Glass Ornament
Metatron Glass Ornament: Bring sacred geometry to your holiday decor with our 'Metatron Glass Ornament.' This beautifully designed ornament features the intricate lines of Metatron's Cube, a symbol of balance and connection, believed to hold the secrets of the universe. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance and spirituality to your festive decorations, this glass ornament captures the light with its beveled edges, creating an eye-catching glow.
Material: Crafted from 100% glass with beveled edges for a sophisticated, polished look.
Size: One size available—3.5" (88.9mm), ideal for adorning any holiday tree or decorative space.
Bundle Options: Available as a single ornament or in bundles of 5, 10, 25, or 50 pieces to satisfy all your decorating needs.
Design: One-sided print that may have a slightly transparent and grainy appearance, with darker and more saturated colors recommended for best results.
Hanging Ribbon: Comes with a gold ribbon for easy hanging and an added touch of luxury.
Bring the mystical beauty of sacred geometry into your home this season with the 'Metatron Glass Ornament'—a meaningful decoration to cherish for years to come.